To support our charity, don't hesitate to get in touch today by calling
0161 224 1914 or emailing us at office@felthamgroup.co.uk
To support our charity, don't hesitate to get in touch today by calling
0161 224 1914 or emailing us at office@felthamgroup.co.uk
Registered Charity 1074447
The disadvantaged youth population of the UK has an urgent need for practical social action. Part of our objective as a business is to improve the lives of young people in our community of Rusholme, Manchester.

The Feltham group is a family-run company, whose members have been living and investing in Rusholme for the past three generations. We formed the Edward Rose Charitable Trust in 1988. Born out of a desire to help young people, the charity helps to provide accomodation and training.
Our Contribution
The Edward Rose Trust also supports many other charities in the work they do for young people in our area. Some of the charities we have supported recently are:
The Children's Adventure Farm Trust - Based at the stunning Booth Bank Farm, The Children's Adventure Farm Trust provides fun activities and programmes for terminally ill children.
Police Community Clubs of Great Britain - A charity aiming to improve the lives of disadvantaged children in local communities.
Barnabus - A homeless charity based in Manchester, Barnabus helps 600 homeless and vulnerable people each week.
The Kepplewray Centre - This charity aims to bring disabled and non-disabled people together.
The Children's Safety Alliance - The child safety experts Children's Safety Alliance are working to help prevent injury in children.
Fragile X - Fragile X provide information and practical guidance to support and empower individuals and families living with fragile X, and the professionals who support them.
We are privilged to have been associated with such innovative and hardworking charities, and hope to keep developing The Edward Rose Trust.

There are 11 L'Arche Communities in the UK where people with and without learning disabilities share life together, living and/or working in the community. All are part of the International Federtation of L'Arche which was founded by Templeton Laureate Jean Vanier.
Although grounded in the Christian tradition, L'Arche Communities welcome people of all faiths and none: there vision is a world where all belong.
Each community is very different. They aim to:
Value each individual, ensuring that they see people with disabilities having as much to give as to receive.
Create a sense of belonging, not just to L'Arche but the to the wider community and beyond that the world.
What makes L'Arche different is the attention that they pay to building a relationship and a sense of belonging.
L'Arche celebrate people with learning disabilities and build circles of support around them. They go beyond basic needs to attend to people's emotional and spiritual lives. Communities around the world share this common philosophy and approach while reflecting the ethnic, cultural and religious composition of the areas in which they exist.