It is really important that you inform our office if you have recently visited or resided in higher risk areas; are showing any symptoms of the virus or; are in self isolation due to contracting the virus.
At this moment in time we ask that you do not visit the office unless it is absolutely necessary. In this case, visits to the office must be arranged as an appointment beforehand. We can still be contacted via phone or email, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us this way.
For further, in depth information on Covid-19, please visit the NHS website on the following link https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
You can find information here on Covid-19 symptoms, booking a test, self isolation and what you can do to avoid spreading to other members of your household, test and trace and the most up to date social distancing rules and restrictions for your area.
In regards to any maintenance issues that may arise within your household, we ask that you continue to report these as usual. If you or any member of the household is self isolating, you must inform the office beforehand, and in this case only vital emergency maintenance will be carried out in the property as a priority, until the duration of self isolation within the household has been carried out.
If visiting a property where tenants are self-isolating, precautionary measures will be taken by our staff and we will ask all tenants to remain isolated and out of the way of any of the maintenance team who are in attendance.